Raid the Private Property

Started by JRD, March 22, 2009, 12:18:32 PM

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The private Property can be approached by two paths, one from the north, by boat, which I think is the worst path as enemies have a higher ground and can see you coming, unless you swim at night and try the stealth approach.
The other approach is through the front door, a direct assault.
I like kicking the doors open, so I'll describe one way to get there.
From the south, clear your way in the guard post first, there are only two mercs around. Grab the diamond (check maps) and proceed to the pathway to the east, avoid the road.

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As you go towards the building keep crouched as the sniper at the house can spot you right away

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Keep going by the hillside till you past a big fallen tree, there is a rock and from there you have an overview of the property.

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Pop the sniper

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Shoot everybody you can, there are a few propane tanks and yellow and red barrels you can shoot to create a distraction.

In the back of the house you'll have also an overview of the river and the boats and fuel stations down there. There will be enemies alive there, so shoot them.

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When the area is clear, you'll find an ammo pile in the back of the house and a diamond briefcase at the rooftop of the garage. Use the boxes to go up and cross through the ladder to reach the case.

I remember only one mission there, a subvert mission, where you have to intimidate a guy there to make the spec ops go to Mokuba.

But again, just a suggestion... took those screenshots on my way to get a missing diamond, no mission on.
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Excellent instructions jrderntl, easy to follow, and I believe that this is a method that is also my favorite in the private property villa!


Thanks pzrzao.
Wish I could write like you and D_B, I really like your style and think it makes the immersion complete.
Too bad for me that english is not my native tongue, I think it would be quite weird for you guys to read a description made by me...
Will keep my posts like that...
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Well, D_B is the one with the writing talent; I've just copied his Journal entry idea because it is as much fun to write as it is to read (I just hope D_B and others do more of them...).

As to English not being your first language, I only wish that I could converse in Portuguese as well as you can converse in English - write on my friend, everyone realizes that this is a site with international members, and I for one appreciate reading the posts by our overseas friends - after all, the FC2 buddies are also an international group.  In fact, it might be a treat to read immersion journal entries from our international fans; would almost read like some of the FC2 buddies should!


It was a dark and stormy night - no really it was.  I had a job to do, and it involved persuasion.  Luckily that's something I've learned to do well.  I needed to convice a guy on the radio to give false directions.  Approaching in the dead of night during a torrential downpour wasn't going to help my malaria, but I was down to 2 diamonds and I needed the money.  Luckily the "badass" mercs at the south entrance guard post were afraid of the rain because I snuck right past and worked my way north along the low white fence.

I spied some sorry ba$t@rd who'd pulled patrol, but he was easy to evade.  But just my damn luck, right as I'm entering the main house, I'm noticed.  Probably that damn charm Michele gave me back at Mike's, the glint of which can only be matched by the way her eyes light up when she sees me.

The firefight starts, albeit without me, a couple mercs off each other in the poor visibility.  After convincing the radio man to give the directions, I made my way downstairs.  I'm not sure why I spared him his life, maybe I'm getting soft.  I gotta get rid of Michele.

I fed lead to a few mercs outside then made my way North to the river and headed East upstream to catch a bus ride.  I need a nap and a drink, and not in that order.  forums and member created pages


Bravo spaceboy... spoken in the true spirit of a South African merc... cold-blooded killer - mo mercy ...

🡱 🡳

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